Friday, October 21, 2016

How to Step into Your Ministry

“But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you”.
                                                                                                --2 Timothy 4:5

Lesson text: 1 Samuel 17

What is Ministry?

Ministry means carrying out your God given assignment
Ministry is when your destiny in manifestation.
Ministry is focus towards touching lives, advancing God’s kingdom and changing your world.

No human being is born empty.
No human being born without a purpose.

Destiny is your discovering your divine purpose; but your ministry is bringing into reality that destiny.

A man who cannot convert or transmit his destiny into ministry is like a salt that was never put into the soup!

Prophetic Word:It is time for Divine Shifting. It is time for My Children to move forward. It is time for My Vessels to pour out the oil inside them into the dying world”.
God is shifting us from the ground of learning to the ground of impartation.

Divine Tools Given to Us for Fulfilling our Ministry

Word of Wisdom: You must not allow what people say to stop you. You must not allow your environment to stop you. You must not allow your background to stop you.
1.      Talents/Skills
2.      Spiritual Gifts/Anointing
3.      Grace
4.      Faith
5.      Supernatural Strength/Health
6.      Knowledge/Wisdom

Word of Wisdom: Self discovery gives birth to true self-worth. Your worth draw from within and not without.

Before you Step into Your Ministry

1.      Be clear of the vision God gave you.
2.      Be clear with the message God gave you.
3.      Be clear with the method/strategy God gave you.
4.      Be clear with the type of audience (people)
5.      Be clear with the Team you will be working with.

Pitfalls of Your Ministry

1.      Pride/Arrogance (e.g. King Saul)
2.      Sexual immorality (e.g. Samson)
3.      Anger (e.g. Moses)
4.      Money (e.g. Judas Iscariot)
5.      Fame (e.g. King Solomon)
6.      Power (e.g. King Ahab)

Methods for carrying our Ministry Operation

1.      Writing/Publishing
2.      Counseling
3.      Evangelism/Missions
4.      Organizing Teaching Seminars/workshops/conferences
5.      Prayer/Intercession Sessions/Meetings/Programs
6.      Online Social Media interaction
7.      Holding mentorship/coaching class/courses
8.      Television, Radio and Telephone etc.

Awake! Awake!!

It is time to step into that which God has called you…

Rufus E. Yamoah
Leadership Trainer