Overcoming the Deception of Last Days
Lesson Text: Matthew 24: 4, 5, 11, 24; 1 John 2:18, 1
John 4:1; Jeremiah 14:14; 2 Timothy 3: 2-5
Assignment: Study the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 3 and 3
What does the ‘Last days’ means?
The ‘last days’ are the period of time where the
prophetic happenings and events predicted by Jesus Christ and His Apostles
begin to take place.
No long sermon. Even a new born baby knows that we are
living in the last days—the perilous times!!!
What is deception?
In biblical meaning: “it is a lie from the devil”.
Heresy means ‘false teaching or doctrine that is against
God’s Word.
Anything that goes contrary to what is written in the
Bible—the Word of God, can called deception.
There are many lies, fantasies, myths, philosophies and
ideas that have gone out in these last days.
The god of this world and the father of lies, Satan, has
seduced and led many astray, and painfully, including believers and the elects
of God.
The Spirits of the Last Days:
Religious spirit
Seducing spirit
Mammon spirit
Lying spirit
Sexual immoral spirits
Word of Wisdom:
If you want to overcome these last days
deception, you must never claim to be what you are not.
Pride has destroyed a lot of lives.
Pride is a doorway to deception.
Never envies someone else’s calling, ministry or
Beware of the praise of Men.
Never be in a hurry. (I have had to learn this
lesson the hard way.)
Anybody that is in a hurry to do the work of God without
first listening to the direction of the Holy Spirit will likely fall into the
pit of deception.
I day this to you: if you want to overcome these last
days deception, you must stay in the school of patience.
Never be carried away by just speaking in
tongues, prophesy, dreams and vision.
Your life and ministry must be built on the Word of God. Everything else is secondary and a back up.
Anybody or ministry that does not point or give
glory to Jesus Christ is not of God.
Anybody or ministry that says Jesus is not Lord,
is not of God.
Any ministry that speaks only about money making
and career success and never lay emphasis on Jesus Christ and the Word of God
is operating in deception.
Any person that says Jesus did not come in the
flesh is an Anti-Christ.
How to overcome the deception of Satan:
Always test every spirit with the Word of God.
Be careful with who lay hands on you to pray for
Seek and develop the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Avoid evil association.
Seek and cultivate the gift of discerning of
You are victorious.
Rufus Yamoah
Leadership Trainer