Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How to Enter Your Next Level in Life

Text: 1 kings 17:2-3, Proverbs 4:18, 2 Corinthians 3:18

 By Rufus Elijah Yamoah
Leadership/Spiritual Mentor
 The Theme for the Second Half of the Year is The Next Level Agenda.
God’s will for you is Next Level.
Life is in phases, chapters, levels and sizes.
If you don’t hate where you are now, you can never be driven to where you should be.

There is a place called ‘’THERE’’. God’s pointer is directed to ‘’THERE’’.

What is Next Level?

It is all about moving in a journey to your promised land, stage by stage.
You must be in the place called ‘’THERE’’ for you to experience God’s purpose.
Nobody get abundant life when you start your walk with God; you must journey into your Next level to be able to access the abundant life in Christ.

The Power of Next Level

The purpose of The Next Level Agenda is to lead us into the abundant life of Christ. Every Next level of God leads to another enrichment in Christ.

Every Next level step you take towards God’s leading will always lead to enrichment in Christ.  
Anybody that enters the next level path becomes unstoppable.

Elijah experienced God’s supernatural provision because he obeyed God’s command to move to His Next level.
Anything that is a blessing but is not God’s Next Level agenda for you will become a curse.

 A man that follows God’s next level agenda does not know rising and falling.
God can never have a better past. There is no down life for a child of God that follows God’s next level agenda.
There is always a better tomorrow and a better future.

Who qualifies for God’s Next Level Agenda?

 Only the righteous ones qualify for God’s next level agenda.
The Next Level path belongs only to the righteous.
How can you be righteous so as to partake in the Next Level Agenda?

1.      Seek the righteousness of God
2.      Believe in God’s righteousness (Jesus)
3.      Practice God’s righteousness (Jesus)

The last point of righteousness is practice.
Only the obedient and practicing righteous can experience the next level agenda.

 How can I experience the Next Level Agenda?

1.      Righteousness

2.      Beholding the glory of God daily (your personal relationship)
  What makes you is what you get directly from God.
The greatest tangibility is your personal relationship with God.
The glass is the scriptures (the Word of God). Our daily bread is Jesus.
Let us build

How do I know I am experiencing the Next Level Agenda?

1.      You will be wining more souls and advancing God’s Kingdom.
In every next level, there are some set of people that you will meet.

2.      You will be increasing in spiritual blessings e.g more anointing.
3.      It leads to financial and material blessings.
4.      It leads to emotional and mental blessings.
The path of the righteous that leads to the next level agenda is filled with joy.
5.      You will enter your perfect day (heaven)

 Anybody that is following God’s next level agenda will make heaven.       


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to Fly on Eagle's Wings

Text: Exodus 19:4, Isaiah 43:29-31

God is an Eagle Father.
God has Wings He uses in carrying us.

Eagle’s Wings is God’s supernatural means of carrying His children to their destination or prophetic fulfillment.

God’s Will for us is not just to walk or run, but for us to FLY.
If we must mount on Eagle’s wings we must walk in the direction and instructions of God.

The Power of the Eagle

1.      Eagles fly higher than any other bird in the sky.
2.      Eagles are known for their strength and dominion
3.      Eagles sees very far and have a clear vision.
4.      Eagles are known for their speed and swiftness.
5.      Eagles are known for their ability to change or renew feathers.
6.      Eagles are known for carrying their young ones on their back.

What is God’s Eagle’s Wings? (Eze. 37:1)

The Holy Spirit is the Eagle that God has given unto us to carry us.

Functions of the Holy Spirit as Eagle

1.      The Holy Spirit causes believers to live above the earthy and natural realm.
2.      The Holy Spirit gives believers strength when they are weak or fainthearted.
3.      The Holy Spirit empowers believers to walk in dominion.
4.      The Holy Spirit helps the believers to see visions and revelations on things to come.
5.      The Holy Spirit helps believers to experience supernatural progress and unlimited breakthroughs.
6.      The Holy Spirit helps believers to renew their mind and change their bad habit and character.
7.      The Holy Spirit is our Father, Comforter, Helper, Friend and protection.

Examples of People That Ride on Eagle’s Wings
1.      Elijah
2.      Jacob (Deut. 32:9-13)
3.      Paul

How We can fly on Eagles’ Wing

1.      Learn to wait upon the Lord.
2.      Associate with wise people
3.      Learn to be obedient to the voice of God.
4.      Be committed to the Kingdom service.
5.      Have complete trust and faith in the leading of the Holy Spirit.
6.      Cut off from sin and bad habit that affect your progress (Heb. 12:1)

This article is culled from our Course: Walking in Divine Direction at VESSEL OF GOLD SCHOOL OF MINISTRY. (All Right Reserved)

Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Power of Prevailing Prayer

Text: James 5:13-18; Genesis 32: 22-30

The medicine of the disease called ‘affliction’ is called prayer.
Prayer is the answer to our life afflictions.

Prayer has dimensions.

We are looking into 'Prevailing Prayer'

There are two main Attributes of Prevailing Prayer:

1.      Prayer from the Heart
2.      Continuous and fervent prayer until you get result.

The Power of Prevailing Prayer

1. Prevailing prayer avails much.

2. It is prevailing prayer that causes Kingdom Advancement.

3. Prevailing Prayer bears much fruit.

4. If you want your words to become an authority, you must learn to prevail in prayer.

5. When you prevail in prayer, you will have power with God and you will have a new name!

6. Prevailing prayer births divine encounters and turning points

7. Victory and dominion power lies in Prevailing prayer.

When to practice this Kind of Prayer?

Being alone gives you opportunity to practice this kind of prayer life.

Rufus Yamoah
Leadership Trainer

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Power of Discovery and Releasing Your Potential

2 Timothy 1:6-7New King James Version (NKJV)
Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Lesson Text: Exodus 4

What is Potential?

Potential is the hidden raw material given to you by God for the purpose of fulfilling destiny and impacting lives of others.
The first thing in life to make great impact is to discover God’s plan for your life.
Vision is the foundation of every great destiny.
When you discover your potential, but lack a vision from God, you tend to misuse /abuse that potential.
A vision without a released potential is like a man who has legs but cannot walk—paralyzed!!!

Your potential is not for yourself; it is for others.
Potential is given to equip you for your divine assignment.

Nobody is born to fail in life; we are all born to SUCCEED.
Nobody is born empty; it is just a matter of DISCOVERING!!!

Examples of Potentials given to Us by God

1.      Natural talents
2.      The Word of God
3.      Physical Strength
4.      Knowledge
5.      Holy Spirit/Spiritual gifts
6.      Positive Character
7.      Acquired Skills (e.g. writing, speaking, designing etc.)
8.      Beauty
9.      Good Voice
10.  Leadership Ability

Some Causes of Potential Blindness

1.      Low self-esteem, unworthiness and lack of confidence.
2.      Fear of failure and defeat.
3.      Comparison /competition
4.      Living on people’s opinion.
5.      Lack of knowledge
6.      Poverty
7.      Lack of understanding of your identity and personality
8.      Sin
9.      Demonic oppression/covering

Discovering Your potential

It is not enough to discover your vision, you need to discover the materials that has been provided for you to succeed in your assignment or purpose.

God is the source of vision; He is also the source of potential—LOOK AT HIM!!!
What you despise may be that which will be celebrated.
What is rejected may become the treasure of tomorrow.

When you get to the Word of God; You will see the real you and discover your abilities.
The world cannot tell you who you are; only the WORD OF GOD can do that!!!

Releasing Your Potential

This is the third stage. This is very important.
When you get a vision from God and you discover your potential…what do you do next?

You have to RELEASE IT!!!

You must cast the seed (potential) to the ground if you want it to give you HARVEST.

It is what you sow, that is what you reap.
This means no sowing, no Reaping.

If you don’t plant the seed, you cannot eat the Bread.

It is time we step out like Gideon.
We are mighty people of valor hiding in the caves and strongholds.
We need to release our potentials…
Only Then WE can be counted among the Heroes of Faith and People of Good Report.

Rufus Yamoah
Leadership Trainer